Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Jacquie’s Melody

So intensely she played. Her body flowing back and forth as the sound of her cello filled the warm summer's eve. Her long thin hands flew, like butterflies quickly across the vibrant strings. Each note so exquisite that it hurt the soul to hear. Even now, he could hear the echo of that sound within his mind.

Once not so long ago, on a clear summers day, Jacquie sat, bow in hand upon the lush green lawn behind her house.
So still, she might have been asleep. Silent for now, her music.
The slim girl with hair as dark as night and vivid green eyes could not remain thus for long.
Her nature had always been bright and searching. Her laughter seemed ever to sore like a rush of wind.
He watched her closely, this changeling. Waiting for Jacquie to once more lift her bow and play. Play the music he loved almost as much as she. He waited for her to play her cello again.

Moving as if in slow motion, Jacquie gently caressed her bow as the lazy summer sun played with patches of light in her hair. So deep in thought of wondrous things, her gaze never wandered. She thought as always of him. The brother so much a part of herself. Her mind drifted amid playful images of him.

He loved her for her beauty. Her skin so pale she seemed to fade in the bright summer’s sun. Her smile, her sweet, sweet smile that ever warmed his heart. He would be her champion, following her anywhere. He would keep her close forever.

Jacquie slowly lifted her bow and began to play once more. His heart swelled as the music grew intense.
She would grow as would he and face the world, Jacquie's world together.

Even now Will could see her smile and just hear the faint sound of a melody. A melody so ingrained within him that it had became a part of his soul.

(Written by Melanie)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading this Melanie. The descriptions are so poetic...just beautiful!