Saturday, September 23, 2006

An American Abroad

Dear Diary - July 15, 1981

Dear Diary—

Well, it's been almost a year since I started college. Mom and dad are getting used to me not being at home and I'm totally used to being a strong, independent woman. I've worked hard over the last year and now I start my great European adventure. I can't believe I'll be in Paris, France in just 3 days from now!

Alex is meeting me over there: she has to go see her parents before she goes. Something about getting their blessing for the trip. I know exactly what she means.

I've packed my bags and all my documents are in order and ready to go - now I just have to try to get some sleep until it's time to leave, but I can't - sleep that is. I'm just too excited! It's like all my birthdays rolled into one. I never thought a girl from Dubuque, Iowa, would get to walk along the Champs Elysees, see the Louvre and watch the artists in Montmartre. It's like all those years of growing up were just to prepare me for this. Of course, I'll have to remember to get some presents for the folks, but like Mom says, I should make the most of every moment.

Dear Diary - July 16, 1981, 9 a.m.

The big day's here! Off to LaGuardia to catch the plane to Europe! The butterflies in my stomach have been taking flying lessons because they're doing aerobatic maneuvers and I fell like I'm going to be sick, but I know it's just excitement. I haven't eaten this morning and I don't think I could. Should be able to eat something before we take off. Oh, taxi's here - I have to dash. I'm just not ready for this: I'm sure I've forgotten something.

Dear Diary - July 17, 1981, 5 a.m. GMT

Charles De Gaulle airport doesn't look as glamorous as I thought it would. And the people don't look as exciting. In fact, they look like the people back at LaGuardia. I'm waiting for my luggage and I'm not alone. Looks like we've all been forgotten. Everyone else looks like they don't want to be here. I don't understand why people are so miserable. Have I come to the right country? Is this the home of Coco Chanel, Champagne and haute couture?

Dear Diary - July 19, 1981

Alex is here! She's joined up with me at the hotel and I'm showing her the sights I've already discovered. There's a darling little boulangerie right at the end of the street where the bread is to die for, made fresh daily. The smells are like something out of Heaven. And the cafe opposite is just divine. Local artists and writers go there to discuss art and literature. I wish I'd taken French in grade school. Some words are easy to get, but they speak so fast, these French. That's because they have such passion for life - such zest.

Dear Diary - July 22, 1981

Today is the great day: we're visiting the Louvre. I've heard so much about the Mona Lisa. La Gioconda, I think they call it here. I'm going to see it for myself today and I'm sure I'll understand her secret. Every day is like breathing in air and eating pure inspiration. We went to Sacre Coueur last night and the floodlights were hauntingly beautiful. It's hard to see such beauty and not be touched by it. There were lovers walking in the warm evening air, hand in hand, their love intensified by the sounds, the colours, the sights. Paris is a beautiful city and it's true what they say here. To visit Paris is to fall in love with life.

Dear Diary - July 23, 1981

Managed to persuade Alex to come with me to find some postcards to send back home. I have a list of about 30 people I MUST send one to, and about 50 people I might send one to.

Dear Diary - July 25, 1981

Had the most fantastic evening at the theatre last night. Seems that everything is more vibrant and wonderful here, even if you don't understand everything that's being said. Alex is feeling a little homesick and I had to hug her for ages. She's ok now and raring to go on, but I know what she means. Everything I see here can only be described in superlatives, but the pull of home is also strong. I remember Mom's smile and Dad's infectious, deep laughter. I even miss Will's teasing! Reminds me a little of the film with Shirley Temple. I think they called it the Bluebird of Happiness. She found that happiness was in her back garden all along, even though she had many great adventures along the way looking for it. I feel a bit like Shirley Temple today. I am having such a great time here, but I know my life at home is even more wonderful and I'm looking forward to every day of it. I'll be able to tell my kids about these adventures though!

Dear Diary - July 27, 1981

Man, I've had some busy days recently. Haven't written much, have I, diary? I just guess that living your life is probably more important than writing about it sometimes. And the memories I'm storing up here will keep me warm on a cold winter's night when I'm old and grey and my children will be out having their own adventures. Last night was a magical memory to store. The weather was just perfect and we took a trip on a big boat called a Baton, or something like that, with an orchestra (actually a band, but orchestra sounds much nicer!) and a meal. I think it was Cordon Bleu, or Nouvelle Cuisine. I'm not sure. It was delicious, whatever they like to call it.

We got talking to some girls from Bakersfield who were out here doing the same as us. They've been here a month already and will probably stay. They were going to go to Italy, but they like it here too much. We're on our way to England tomorrow and we promised to send them pictures and souvenirs. They said they'd do the same if they ever leave Paris.

We've both got a lot of packing to do - we've bought so much stuff we need a new suitcase between us - and then we've got an early start, but England is so close it's only a 2 hour flight and then we'll be in London. We're staying near Buckingham Palace and we'll get to see the guys who wear the big hats with bearskins on. The great thing will be speaking the same language again so we know what everyone's saying! I wonder if we'll be able to gate-crash the wedding of Diana and Charles. Hey, I just thought of a great title for a TV show about them: Charles and I. Get it? Charles and Di. Say it fast - you'll get it then.

I don't think we'll be able to gate-crash, but we will see the wedding procession. Just think, dear diary, I shall be present for one of history's most romantic moments. Me, little Jacquie from Dubuque, Iowa. I may even be on TV because they'll have a lot of cameras there, won't they? Hey mom, look at me, I'm famous!

Must go to bed now or we'll miss our plane tomorrow.

I love my life.

(Written by Amin Motin)

1 comment:

anna said...

So absolutely realistic. I felt like I was in Paris with this young woman. excellent!!